about & contact


I am a PhD student at the university of Zürich. For my PhD at the University of Zürich I might be looking at lithic artefacts in a lab, but really, I love being stuck in a trench (and having the obligatory beer afterwards). That’s also what I have been doing most of the time, which means that, sadly, this PhD was not progressing at a mind-boggling speed. This changed while I was part of the Gestures of Transition Project (find more info on my research here). Now I am working on various projects besides the PhD research again. And early 2019 I set up as an independent archaeologist!

I will continue to report on this project here. Besides, I also write a little about other bits of archaeology, more or less related to the PhD and my other archaeological and scientific interests and involvements.

My research concerns the Mesolithic – Neolithic transition in (Pre-)Alpine Central Europe. It is based on microscopic use-wear analyses of Late Mesolithic chipped stone artefacts from the site Arconciel/La Souche, Ct. Fribourg, Switzerland and Lutter/St. Joseph, France.

My academic interests are much wider though and include:

  • Late Glacial and early Holocene archaeology of Europe and the Near East (esp. the transition to farming and associated processes)
  • microscopic use wear analysis of chipped stone artefacts
  • alpine archaeology 
  • the evolution of human cognition
  • and much more …

A brief spell in museology at the Reinwardt Academy, Amsterdam preceded my career in archaeology. After a BA/Archaeology at the University of Leicester, UK and a MA/Cognitive Evolution at the University of Reading, UK, I worked mainly in  field archaeology and have excavated and done post-excavation work with a number institutes and companies at sites dating from the Middle Palaeolithic to the Later Middle Ages, in various countries in Europe and the Near East. During the past decade this was mostly in a managing position. At the moment I am a full-time PhD student at the Universität Zürich, Switzerland.

I am always interested to hear from you! You can also find me here:

Post:      Jurablickstrasse 5,   3095 Spiegel b. B.,   Suisse

Archäologie Cornelissen
Universität Zürich
academia.edu, Institut of Archaeology, Universität Zürich
twitter (@dropsofhazel)


7 responses to “about & contact

  1. Hello Marcel,
    I was lucky to have your blog highlighted in my wordpress account. I was impressed by your work and read some of your articles here. Moreover, it was great to have such a wide range of archaeological blogs featured in your blog roll.
    greeting to Zürich from Berlin: Maria

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  4. Pingback: A blogpost about conferences and The Inevitable! Including some cheeky begging for beer and cheese, as well as some hidden advice for PhD-students. | hazelnut relations

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